pour que la déficience intellectuelle ne soit pas un handicap


Welcome to this blog, personal and interactive, dedicated to supporting people with intellectual disabilities in a context of social inclusion.

Works and objectives

I am an associate researcher at PROJEKT (EA 7447), a design and social innovation lab at the University of Nîmes. My research aims to develop a theoretical support framework in a context of social inclusion, which could guide the action of professionals in the field and which would allow people with intellectual disabilities to lead the life of their choice. At the same time, I develop pictographic solutions so that the support model is accompanied by tools facilitating the implementation of the projects of the supported people. It is this work on pictograms, carried out for more than 25 years, which is at the origin of my research.

An umpteenth model of support?

Claiming to develop a support model may seem presumptuous. I went for it because I couldn’t find one. Indeed, the action of professionals is based mainly on a series of good practices which have evolved over time according to field experiences.*

Good practices being contextual, those of the protected environment are not suitable for social inclusion. Waiting for new relevant practices to develop will take too much time, hence the interest of a new model.

I think I have succeeded in building a coherent theoretical framework, it remains to confront it with the field!

Returns and exchanges

Furthermore, I want to apply the principles of social design to my work. It is about designing services for people, placing the user’s interest at the center of his concerns and involving all stakeholders in the process. I will therefore put my writings online as I go by soliciting your comments, criticisms and suggestions. They are essential to refine, or even correct, certain elements of the proposed model so that it is really useful to all those who work with people with intellectual disabilities. So feel free to leave your comments at the end of the chapter or send me an email (link at the bottom of the page). I would also like to get to know your work better and discuss mine with you. As the face-to-face exchanges are richer, I urge you to contact me (link at the bottom of the page) to set up an appointment, by phone or by video.

Evolution of the blog

I will be incorporating new chapters and modified versions of chapters already online as we go. Subscribe to the mailing list (link at the bottom of the page) to be kept informed of changes to the site.
It goes without saying that if anything from our exchanges is integrated into the text, it will be done anonymously and with your agreement. In addition, your name will be cited for written contributions.


Hope to read and listen to you… Girish Muzumdar


* “Good practices explain values, give meaning and designate common benchmarks to help professionals find the most appropriate intervention”. Internal evaluation: Benchmarks for social inclusion establishments and services. ANESM, 2016.